Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Our friend Rob dubbed the latest nickname for Addie in her pink snowsuit as "Pinkzilla" and I think it will stick. The reality is that the coat does stand out with its immense pinkness, and the 6 month old literally stuffed inside is a bit comical. Don't get the wrong impression, I love the suit (much to my husband's surprise and amusement), when the temp gets below zero, I don't have to worry about her legs sticking out, or anything not being covered. And it has become a legend at school, turning heads as we walk down the hall with Pinkzilla the cute.

January 8th, 2008 - Addie starts to do this on her 6 month birthday. I am not sure which one of us was more surprised by her ability to sit straight while unsupported. She still looks at me with a great big grin when she sits up, she knows she is doing something cool.
A little nibble on Daddy to tide me over while we wait for the pediatrician.

6 Month Well-Baby stats (update here instead of calling everyone):
Weight: 18lbs. 1oz. (90th %)
Height: 28.5 inches (so far above the chart we don't have numbers)
Our 6 month old is roughly the size of a 1 year old. Obviously her recent addition of food to her diet is agreeing with her. We talked to the Dr. about the threat of allergies, and he has a completely different philosophy than our first pediatrician. Since our first pediatrician had a research specialty in allergies, I am torn as to how we will proceed. Jeremy didn't express strong feelings so I gather he feels the same. The long and short, undecided. In the meantime, we are just enjoying our wonderful, beautiful, younger child and are grateful that she is obviously thriving.

1 comment:

HennHouse said...

I miss her so much.

Are you making your own baby food? If you lived closer, I'd make it for you.