Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Back Has Silly Things on It

This is what Elspeth has been saying to us this week, "My Back has silly things on it". I do not know what this means. I think she has sore spots because she is sick.

I collected my daughter from school on Wednesday and Miss Lindsey gave me the run down of her terrible day. She didn't have sun glasses, she didn't have a water bottle. They wear their bathing suits at nap time, because they get up and leave for the pool immediately, but Elspeth had an accident at nap time so she didn't get to swim today. On the playground one of her "friends" hit her in the head.

I half listened. Elspeth had a large red scrape down her face from the "friend." She was complaining of great thirst and drinking from the water fountain for a long time. My alarm bells started to go off as she sucked more and more water. This is not like her. She turned and put her arms around me and I saw her eyes. Elspeth's eyes always give her away when she is sick.

Miss Sarah came in to continue the litany. Elspeth didn't use her listening ears, she made sad choices, I had enough. "Sarah, She is sick." The teacher paused, she is a confirmed germaphobe. Last week she stayed hours after she was off the clock to sanitize the room when one child got pink eye. She cocked her head, she mentioned that there was no fever (yet).

"She is sick." That is all I could say, Elspeth wore it on her face plainly to me, but maybe its a Mom thing. We were having company for dinner, her best friend. His father joined us in the classroom at that moment.

"She is sick." I explained, and he immediately agreed dinner was out. We asked if Ethan should come for dinner, she could only shake her head no. She ALWAYS wants Ethan, this confirmed that she was sick.

By the time we got home, she was on fire in my arms. She lay limp and feverish and mostly refused dinner, only taking fluids. I know this is not life threatening, I know it is part of life, but I wish just once that a bug would pass her by. We had plans to travel this weekend, we have had to cancel for health reasons before, but really, in JUNE?!?! Jeremy and I were going to spend our first night away from our children. We haven't been consciously seeking this goal, but opportunity had presented it and we were looking forward to seeing family AND getting a night out together (sort of like having our cake and eating too).

She must ache from the fever, and she thinks this gives her back "silly things" the searching of a 3-year old vocab to describe something she has not experienced before.

We are still waiting for her fever to break, but I wanted to let you know where we have been this week. No pictures have been taken and we are just trying to get these silly things off Elspeth's back.


e4 said...

Yuck. I feel for you.

Melissa Blair said...

We missed seeing you at the Anniversary event yesterday. How is the little one feeling today?