Saturday, April 24, 2010


This week I remembered to check the toilet to see if it was flushed BEFORE our guests arrived. I nearly celebrated when they each took a turn in the restroom, because I had saved myself from significant embarrassment.

That made me feel like a great Mom.

I had to call Jeremy to come one of my children because I could not drive them home together. My older child is going through issues that I have not been able to blog about, things I don't want to admit to.

That made me feel like a failure as a Mom.

We made the tough decision to pull Elspeth from school effective immediately. The director of the school confessed that they had a bully in her room and that they had not been as effective at controlling the situation as they had hoped. The information I received made me feel quite ill.

That made me hurt as a Mother.

I have finally admitted that the trouble I have in telling people about Elspeth is due to the fact that I am afraid they will stop seeing the amazing child I see.

That is just Motherhood.

We are healing. We are hoping for a better tomorrow. We are praying for peace.


HennHouse said...

Talking about the "trouble" I have with my oldest child helps me to see his strengths more vividly and admit my weaknesses more readily. He is not perfect. I am not perfect. We are figuring things out together.

But I always remember, God created my children EXACTLY the way they are supposed to be. Perfect and beautiful in His sight. I've learned to not really care how other people see my children. They are amazing to me. And even MORE AMAZING to the God who created them.

From John 9: "As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”

Melissa Blair said...

Hang in there Tracy, things will get better. :)