Friday, September 5, 2008

Veggie Henns

Elspeth can't get enough Veggie Tales. She loves the videos, she would watch them every day if she was allowed to watch shows every day (week days are generally off limits). Since Mommy had surgery, we have relaxed certain rules temporarily which has led to the following household scenarios . . .

Elspeth: I'm Larry the Cute Cumber!

Daddy: Larry, its time to pick up

Elspeth: Cucumbers don't have hands!

Mommy: Elspeth, I'm Bob the Tomato

Elspeth: No, you are Larry the Cucumber, I am Larry the Cucumber and Adwen is Larry the Cucumber. Daddy is Bob the Tomato. Girls are Cucumbers, and Boys are tomatoes.

Mommy (to Daddy): Did you hear that Daddy, you have a harem of cucumbers around the house (realizing too late that I made a poor word choice).

Elspeth: Mommy, Cucumbers don't have HAIR!! (I will leave her to that misunderstanding)

Other little known facts about cucumbers: They like to run, especially between the living room and family room and back. They are good sharers, especially sharing lovies with little sister. If you have three named "Larry" it is considered good etiquette to differentiate them as "Mommy Larry," "Big Larry," and "Adwen Larry."


HennHouse said...

Too cute!

Do cucumbers have feet? I'm wondering how they run...!

Abe and Allison said...

Wow -- I had no idea that girls are cucumbers and boys are tomatoes. Good to know! :)