Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Good Morning Sweetheart!

Every morning, when my older child deigns to join us, I say the same words, "Good Morning Sweetheart!" I never know what is going to come out of her mouth. This week I decided to record it (this post will be updated every day this week). Keep in mind, every day, this is her response to "Good morning sweetheart."

Monday: Is Grandma here?

Tuesday: We saved cantaloupe for you(sounding slightly grumpy about it).

Wednesday: What story do you want to read?

Thursday: Sneak, Sneak, Sneak! (she was "sneaking" up on me while I was obviously looking at her coming)

Friday: Adwen is playing with that (pointing at the VCR, which hasn't worked for years)

1 comment:

Melissa Blair said...

Just wait until she says, "five more minutes, Mom...pleeeeease!"