Monday, December 10, 2007

Dance Dance Revolution

After celebrating Hanukkah at a friend's house, the WII was powered up and the DDR matt came out.

Robin and Ethan are having a great time, note the WII control in Robin's hand.
Elspeth thought the trick was to be holding something in your hand so she grabbed a book (she had no clue what to do but was very competitive about it).Ethan and Elspeth burned off large amounts of energy hopping up and down in front of the screen. They had more fun than anyone who actually played the game.

We finally put them on the matt. I was amazed that their hopping about got a few perfects until we all noticed Jeff's foot on the left arrow "helping" them out. They managed to finish all their songs, showing up Rob who got booed off the stage every time he was up!

1 comment:

Kay said...

The Library Grandma is very happy that Elspeth thinks a book is appropriate for any and all situations.
Love you,