Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Shhhh . . . Don't wake it

Jeremy gets upset when I make references to our elder child's unreasonableness. But the other night he had to laugh as we heard her crying down the hall towards the dining room to share her misery with us and I said "shhh . . It's coming."

The reality is that she doesn't get her emotions right now, and she doesn't understand how to express them so she cries or screams or does something else to reflect the turmoil within. It is Parenting Russian Roulette, and if you are a parent and don't know what I mean, you have probably lied to yourself. It is that moment you steal yourself and your resolve because you do not know if your beloved child will be reasonable in this instance, or test the bounds of how far you can be pushed and still love. Boundary testing is relative, all kids do it in their own form or fashion. We know she is normal and that she is experiencing all the normal things of being 3, but there are times. Yes, there are times, when I see her peacefulness and don't have the heart to wake her just yet.


HennHouse said...

She is so cute!

Melissa Blair said...

Isn't childrearing the most fun at the preschool age? They ALWAYS listen, and they ALWAYS behave...NEVER throw a tantrum! Makes you look forward to the relaxing teenage years!